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I’m waiting for you, because my lust will soon boil over. If a man doesn’t come along to remedy the situation. And you can do it, you’ve got it and you’ll do things for me that nobody else can do because nobody else can. But you are. You can do this and I want you to do it with me. That’s what I want, that’s what I need, and I need a whole man to take me hard. Front and rear and persistent. That’s what I need, with your strength and your lust. Yes please
I will use all my strength and endurance to make you come. And that I’m coming Again and again and then again and I enjoy it. From my heart I enjoy that you share the bed and the whole night with me. I want it, I want you to feel it, and I want you to know how fucking serious I am about this. With my passion and my lust and my body. Touch my breasts, reach between my legs and feel how smooth and wet it is. Then you know what I want and what you can take.